Hario V60

Hario V60

The Hario V60 allows for a simple hands-on brewing process that relies on the technique of the brewer.

Brewing coffee for a Hario V60

1. Unfold the V60 filter, making it into a cone, and place it into the V60 brewer

2. Rinse and pre-heat the filter and V60 with at least 370 g (about 1.5 cups) of hot water.

prepping filter and hario v60 for brewing

This will remove any papery flavors imparted by the filter and ensure that your coffee is not under-extracted. Once the filter is completely saturated with hot water, carefully dispose of the rinse water. Pro tip: Do not take the filter out, as it may be difficult to get it back into place.

3. Weigh out 24 g of coffee and grind it slightly coarser than the consistency of sand.

ground coffee

This is coarser than what would be used for regular drip coffee. Coarsen the grind more for larger volumes of coffee.

4. Add coffee to the filter, gently leveling the coffee in the brew bed, and then tare the scale to zero.

pouring fresh coffee grounds into a hario v60

5. Bring water to a full rolling boil, or 210°F.

Let your water stand for about one minute before beginning to brew.

6. Start the timer and pour just enough water to saturate your grounds to pre-infuse your coffee.

brewing coffee in a hario v60

7. After one minute has elapsed on the timer, continue adding water until the scale reads 370 g.

Pour in a slow, steady stream in small counter-clockwise circles. You may need to stop pouring momentarily to allow some of the water to drain through the filter before adding more water. Try to keep the slurry about ¾-inch from the top of the cone. This step should take between 1-1:30 minutes or until the timer reads 2:00-2:30.

pouring hot water from a kettle into hario v60

8. Allow the coffee to brew for another full minute after you finish pouring the water and enjoy!

pouring a fresh brewed coffee from hario v60