Clean, Green, Caffeine

Clean, Green, Caffeine
At our North Hollywood roastery, over 100 solar panels cover the structure’s roof, drawing enough energy to power the entire building. These Sun power PV modules are the most efficient panels commercially available and will generate more than 52,000 kilowatts of clean solar energy each year and are designed to work efficiently even on cloudy days.

In 2011, we installed a unique hybrid/gas-electric coffee roaster that utilizes an ultra-low NOx power burner (Loring Pelegrines, they’re pretty awesome). This allows the roaster and catalytic oxidizer to be heated by electrical elements tied directly to the power generated by the solar panels. The result is Groundwork’s roaster has one of the smallest carbon footprints in the entire coffee industry.

Additionally,  our entire roasting facility has been designed with sustainability in mind. We have installed energy-efficient appliances in accordance with our internal Environmental Purchasing Policies, including but not limited to replacing inefficient interior lighting with energy-efficient equipment, purchasing U. S. EPA Energy Star certified products, and installing U.S. EPA WaterSense labeled water-saving products. 

We also look for active ways to recycle and repurpose materials as much as possible. (need burlap sacks, anyone? Just give us a call!) Any and all packaging that can be recycled is. 

We also work with local institutions like pierce college to repurpose coffee jute bags and cold brew grounds into composting materials and local community as well such as MaedayRescue to turn our coffee sacks into comfortable dog beds for rescue dogs! Bottom line, we see it as our responsibility to give back as much as possible!